Broken Promises - Book 1
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Broken Promises is about a writer, Julie Stanford, who is currently on a writing/promotional tour and makes a stop on the island of Block Island off the coast of Rhode Island. While there promoting her book she runs into a former flame, who she had an illicit and torrid love affair, that ended over twenty years ago. While on the island Julie not only has self-discovery, but she learns of lives on the island engaged in witchcraft, trysts and even possibly murder.
This book was my first self-published book. It’s an easy read and an introduction to the trilogy, Broken Promises. Book 2 of Broken Promises is the continuation and subtitled, Secrets, Lies and Puzzles. I’m currently working on Book 3 of Broken Promises, the Final Chapter of the trilogy. Hopefully, available the Fall of 2023.
Broken Promises, Book 2
Secrets, Lies and Puzzles is the continuation of the Broken Promises Trilogy.Read Covers (pdf)
We find Julie Stanford back on Block Island for questioning regarding a death, which seems to be a murder. Penelope Wordsworth is dead. Her husband Harry is the man Julie had the affair with over 20 years ago and Harry seems to be the main suspect.
There’s a lot going on in this book as it also brings Julie back with a summer love she met while on Block Island one summer when she was a teen vacationing with her family.
It’s a very engaging read with lots of colorful characters. I hope you enjoy! I’m currently working on Book 3, the Final Chapter, of Broken Promises…hope to be available Fall of 2023.